HJR Associates, LLC.
HJR Associates, LLC.

Spending and Pricing Analysis

Obtain a long-term strategic understanding of the leverage of spending and pricing on your Brands.  From this optimization work, principles that guide ongoing spending and pricing moves by brand can be developed.


Spending and Pricing Principles reflect how responsive a brand is to:

• advertising spending changes
• retail price changes
• the impact of advertising spending levels on new products and line-extensions
• competitive marketing initiatives
• promotion spending level changes.

Our service at a glance:


Analytic development of Spending Principles allows us to also:

  • allocate resources across divisions/brands within a portfolio
  • identify the optimal location for incremental spending
  • create “what if” spending scenarios for company as well as competitive brands.


Analytic development of Pricing Principles allows us to also:

  • identify optimal price for volume v. profit
  • assess the impact of varying competitive scenarios.

Who to contact:


Henry Rak


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To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services we offer, please call 203 261-1308 or send us an email.


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Creation of HJR Associates, LLC.

Starting HJR Associates Oct. 1st.

We are excited to announce the formation of my new consulting firm, HJR Associates, LLC..


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